Cartoon Club, an international Festival of Animation Cinema, Comics and Games, selected Fish for Life for this year’s screening. With its 36 years of existence, is one of the best-known festivals in the Italian scene. Again, our team feels so honoured as this festival is a remarkable window for animation works, short films in particular.
Awards & Prizes
The 24th Signor Rossi Award
The first award is open to animated films made by secondary school and university students, and by the students of animation film schools. It consists of a cash prize of € 1.200,- and a statuette created by the Italian author Bruno Bozzetto.
The 11th Cartoon Club Award
This award is open to short animated films made by professional filmmakers and production companies. The winner will receive the Cartoon Club plate.
The Cartoon Kids Award
Among the submitted films the Festival direction will select, some short animated films aimed at a children’s audience. A children’s jury will select the winner among these films. The winner will receive the Cartoon Kids plate.
The Cartoon Junior Award
This award is dedicated to short animated films realized in the context of projects of workshops for children in Italy or abroad. The winner will receive the Cartoon Junior plate.